Lessons with tag: google

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Google VPC Network Peering Tutorial

September 8, 2022
We'll peer 2 Google Networks together. We'll show you how with it peer you can then talk to private IP addresses between the 2 networks. VPC peering makes it so the 2 networks are as if it were one big network.

Google VPN Tunnel Between Two Google Networks

September 7, 2022
We'll set up a Google VPN Tunnel between 2 Google Networks. This is a good way to learn how VPN tunnels work with Google.

Google ILB as Next Hop

September 5, 2022
We'll cover how to set up a Google Internal Load Balancer as the Next Hop. This setup is typically done when you have a corporate network where you want to route your egress or outbound traffic through some Network Monitoring Appliances. Network A...

Kubernetes CloudSQL Proxy MySQL Rails

August 21, 2022
CloudSQL Proxy is an additional layer of security to connect to a CloudSQL database in Google. In order to start the process, you need Google IAM permission to start this daemon process. Once it's up, you can connect to localhost. You probably wan...

Kubernetes CloudSQL Proxy PostgreSQL Rails

August 21, 2022
CloudSQL Proxy is an additional layer of security to connect to a CloudSQL database in Google. In order to start the process, you need Google IAM permission to start this daemon process. Once it's up, you can connect to localhost. You probably wan...

GKE Workload Identity Automated with Kubes: Confirm with gcloud

August 18, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA In this video, we'll automate the entire process of creating bo...

GKE Workload Identity Automated with Kubes: Spring Boot, PostgreSQL

August 17, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA In this video, we'll automate the entire process of creating bo...

GKE Workload Identity Intro Tutorial

August 17, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA We'll go through the Google Docs and explain what it's talking ...

Kubernetes Ingress External Load Balancer with Google Managed Certificate Resource

August 11, 2022
We'll cover how to use create and use a Google SSL Managed SSL Certificate with the Kubernetes ManagedCertificate resource. Links GitHub Repo https://github.com/boltops-learn/kubes-examples/tree/master/yaml/google/elb7-https-managed-certificate

Terraspace Google Secret Manager: Don’t Commit Secrets to Git, Instead Use Secrets Manager

January 4, 2022
Show you how to use Google Secret Manager with Terraspace. This allows to you to not have any secret information like passwords in your Terraform source code. CLI Commands In the video, we mainly focused on learning and using the Google Console....

Google GKE Kubernetes Cluster with Console

December 19, 2021
We'll build a GKE Kubernetes Cluster with the Google Console. We'll briefly note the differences between a GKE Standard vs GKE AutoPilot cluster and create a Standard Cluster. We'll cover the options quite thoroughly. We'll also deploy some simple...

Google VPC Network with the Console Quick Start

December 19, 2021
We'll create a VPC Network with the Google Console. We go into more details in the Design Thoughts video, in this video we'll focus on creating the VPC quickly.

Google Network with the Console and Design Thoughts

December 19, 2021
We'll build a VPC Network with the Google Console. Will explain a lot of reasoning in why think a simple Google Network design will work for a lot of cases. Will address questions folks who are from the AWS world might be wondering about.

Google Managed Instance Group and Load Balancer with the Console

December 18, 2021
We'll build a Google Managed Instance and Load Balancer with the console. There are a few components that we'll build: Instance Template Managed Instance Group Firewall Rule Load Balancer We'll cover some naming conventions and explain the re...

Google Instance Template and a Single Instance with the Console

December 17, 2021
We'll show you how to use Google Instance Templates. Instance Templates allow you to pre-configure settings for a VM. So you don't have to go through steps the VM console repeatedly, you can just launch the VM from the Instance Template. We'll al...

Google MySQL CloudSQL Database with the Console

December 17, 2021
We'll create a MySQL Database Server that's managed by Google Cloud. We'll actually connect to the database confirm it's working. We'll use both: gcloud sql connect XXX As well as mysql -uroot -hXXX

Google Virtual Machine with the Console

December 17, 2021
We'll build a Google VM with the Console. This is a great way to get started and learn how Virtual Machines work with Google Cloud. We'll cover how the startup script works with the VM. The startup script can be used to install your own custom sof...

Google Preemptive VM or Spot Instance with the VM Console

December 13, 2021
We'll create a Google Preemptive VM, IE: Spot Instance. We’ll use the Google Console and review the price difference. You'll show you how much you can save.

Terraspace Google VM with google_compute_instance Terraform Resource

November 16, 2021
We'll build a Compute Instance or VM with the google_compute_instance resource. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-google-vm

Terraspace Google CloudSQL Database with google_sql_database_instance Terraform Resource

November 16, 2021
We'll build a Google CloudSQL Database. The default in the video is PostgreSQL and can be changed with a tfvar variable. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-google-cloudsql

Terraspace GKE Cluster with the Terraform Registry Module

November 16, 2021
We'll build a GKE cluster with the popular Terraform Registry Module written by Google. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-google-gke-registry terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine

Terraspace GKE Cluster with the google_container_cluster Terraform Resource

November 15, 2021
We'll build a GKE cluster with the terraform google_container_cluster resource method. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-google-gke-hashicorp-guide Terraform Docs google_container_cluster boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples

Kaniko Getting Started Tutorial Demo

November 15, 2021
Shows you how to use kaniko to build docker images in a Kubernetes cluster. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kaniko-tutorial-demo GitHub: GoogleContainerTools/kaniko tutorial.md

GKE Ingress External HTTPS Load Balancer and pre-shared Google SSL Cert Kubernetes Example

November 2, 2021
Shows you how to setup a GKE Ingress External HTTPS Load Balancer and pre-shared Google SSL Cert Kubernetes Example. Using plain Kubernetes YAML files to create resources in this video. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubes-examples elb7-https-pr...

GKE Ingress HTTPS Internal Load Balancer Kubernetes Example

November 2, 2021
Shows you how to setup a GKE Ingress HTTPS Internal Load Balancer with plain Kubernetes YAML files Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples google/ilb-https-pre-shared Google Kubernetes Internal Load Balancer Ingress Docs

BoltOps Tools