Lessons with tag: terrafile

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Terraspace Different Module Versions for Different Environments with Terrafile

January 27, 2022
Shows you how to use different module versions for different TS_ENV environments. This is helpful if you want to test a module version out on dev first before updating it on prod within the same git branch of your code. Links GitHub Repo: bolto...

Terrafile Bundle Example Command

November 23, 2021
We'll cover the terraspace bundle example MOD EXAMPLE command. Links: Terraspace Docs: Terrafile Bundle Example GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-security-group-registry

Terraspace: EC2 Instance with the Terraform Registry Module

October 3, 2021
We'll build an EC2 instance with the terraform-aws-modules/ec2-instance registry module. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-ec2 Terraform Registry module: terraform-aws-modules/ec2-instance Terraform aws_instance docs: aws_instance Ter...

Terraspace: AWS VPC with the Terraform Registry Module

October 1, 2021
We'll build a VPC using the popular terraform-aws-modules/vpc registry module. This is the most popular and downloaded module on the planet. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-vpc Terraform Registry VPC module: boltops-learn/terraspace...

Terrafile Stack Option

August 25, 2021
We'll cover what the Stack Option is and how it can save you time when trying out examples. Note: The terraspace bundle example command is a generally better approach than the stack option. Links: Terraspace Docs: Terrafile Stack Option

Terrafile Terraform Registry Example

August 25, 2021
We'll demo and go through an Terrafile example with a Terraform Registry source Links: Terraspace Docs: Terraform Registry

Terrafile GitHub Example

August 25, 2021
We'll demo and go through an Terrafile example with a GitHub source Links: Terraspace Docs: Git

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