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Terraform Provider Docs Resources: Navigating and Learning Where to Go

July 24, 2022
We'll provide a gentle walkthrough to some of the Terraform Provider Docs. This helps you understand where and how to look up Terraform Resource documentation. Terraform AWS Provider Docs

Terraform Built-In Functions: Examples with Common Ones

July 24, 2022
We'll cover Terraform Built-In functions. Terraform Built-In functions Docs lookup concat join merge sum GitHub Repo:

Terraform Locals: Example and Removing Duplication

July 24, 2022
We'll cover Terraform Locals. Terraform Locals Docs GitHub Repo:

Terraform Outputs: Examples and Testing with Console

July 23, 2022
We'll cover Terraform Outputs. Terraform Outputs Docs GitHub Repo:

Terraform Tfvars: How to Set Variables

July 23, 2022
We'll introduce Terraform tfvars and cover different ways to use them. Related Terraform State Links Terraform tfvars docs Github Repo:

Terraform Variables: Different Types with Examples

July 23, 2022
We'll introduce Terraform Variables and cover how they work. Terraform Variables Docs: GitHub Repo:

Terraform Basics: Init, Plan, Apply, Destroy

July 23, 2022
We'll cover terraform basics. First, we'll cover how terraform evaluates the .tf files and naming conventions folks use in the real-world. We'll also core terraform commands: terraform init terraform plan terraform apply terraform destroy Terr...

Bitbucket CI Pipelines with Terraspace: 3 Different Example Pipelines

July 23, 2022
We'll show you how to setup Bitbucket CI Pipelines integration with Terraspace Cloud. We use Bitbucket Pipelines to set up CI with Terraspace. The workflow we used was: Pull Request: Shows previews of changes using terraspace plan Push or Bran...

GitLab CI Pipeline and Terraspace: 3 Different Example Pipelines

July 23, 2022
We'll cover how to set up Terraspace Cloud and GitLab CI. We use GitLab Pipelines to set up CI with Terraspace. The pipelines: Merge Request: Shows previews of changes using terraspace plan Push or Branch: Automatically updates the infrastruct...

Azure Pipelines CI with Terraspace

July 22, 2022
We'll cover how to set up Azure Pipelines CI with Terraspace. The pipelines: Branch Push Pipeline: Shows previews of changes using terraspace plan on TS_ENV=dev. Main Branch Pipeline: Automatically updates the infrastructure using terraspace up ...

GitHub Actions CI with Terraspace: 3 Different Example Workflows

July 22, 2022
We'll cover GitHub Actions CI integration with Terraspace Cloud. The workflows: Pull Request: Shows previews of changes using terraspace plan Push: Automatically updates the infrastructure using terraspace up on TS_ENV=dev Workflow Dispatch: We ...

Azure Pipelines with Pull Request Workflow and Approve Step (Advanced)

July 22, 2022
We'll cover how to set up more advanced Azure Pipelines: Pull Request Workflow: We'll use a Azure Branch Policy to trigger a terraspace plan on Pull Requests. You can fully restrict any git push to main and only permit PR changes or relax it a l...

CircleCI with Terraspace

July 21, 2022
We'll cover how to set up CircleCI with Terraspace Cloud. The workflows: Feature Branch Push: Shows previews of changes using terraspace plan on TS_ENV=dev. Main Branch Push: Automatically updates the infrastructure using terraspace up on TS_ENV...

Kubes Central Deployer Pattern

February 6, 2022
We'll cover the Kubes Central Deployer Pattern. This is useful if your applications are similarly set up. You can use it as the "standard" kubernetes deployment for your company.

Terraspace Different Module Versions for Different Environments with Terrafile

January 27, 2022
Shows you how to use different module versions for different TS_ENV environments. This is helpful if you want to test a module version out on dev first before updating it on prod within the same git branch of your code. Links GitHub Repo: bolto...

Terraspace Restricting Environments: Only Allow dev and prod

January 25, 2022
We'll cover how to restrict environments you want terraspace to be able to deploy to. Links Terraspace Docs: Restricting Envs GitHub Repo: boltops-learn/terraspace-restricting-envs

Terraspace Restricting AWS Regions: Only Allow us-west-2 and us-east-1

January 25, 2022
We'll show you how to restrict the AWS regions that are allowed to be deployed to with Terraspace. Note, this check is only at the Terraspace level. config/app.rb Terraspace.configure do |config| # .. config.allow.regions = ["us-west-2", "us...

Terraspace All Exclude Stacks For Specific Environments: Only Deploy route53 for global env example

January 23, 2022
We'll cover how to include and exclude specific stacks for specific enviroments. We'll walk through the docs from the simplest to most complex example. Terraspace Docs: Terraspace All: Including and Excluding Stacks GitHub Repo: boltops-learn/te...

Terraspace Restricting Allowed Stacks for Specific Environments: Only Allow route53 to deploy Example

January 23, 2022
Covers how to allow and deny specific stacks for specific environments. Good examples are route53 and ACM certs for CloudFront. For the example, let's say you have these stacks: $ terraspace list app/stacks/route53 app/stacks/stack1 app/stacks/st...

Terraspace Tfvars Complex Types Transforming Data to Needed Structure Before Terraform Apply

January 9, 2022
When wiring terraform outputs to inputs between modules, sometimes the data structure is not exactly what you need. We'll show how to transform data structures in different ways. This can help you to reuse modules from the Terraform registry witho...

GitLab Backend

January 4, 2022
We'll show you how to configure Terraspace to use the GitLab http backend. Links: Terraspace Docs: Backend GitLab GitHub: terraspace-gitlab-backend GitLab: tongueroo/terraspace-gitlab-backend-demo

Terraspace Azure Key Vault Secrets: How to Setup and Use

January 4, 2022
We'll show you how to use Azure Key Vault Secrets with Terraspace. This allows you to not store any secret information like passwords in your Terraform source code. Commands In the video, to focus on learning, we mainly use the Azure Portal Cons...

Terraspace Google Secret Manager: Don’t Commit Secrets to Git, Instead Use Secrets Manager

January 4, 2022
Show you how to use Google Secret Manager with Terraspace. This allows to you to not have any secret information like passwords in your Terraform source code. CLI Commands In the video, we mainly focused on learning and using the Google Console....

Docker Compose with Django

December 25, 2021
We'll build a Django project from scratch and get it working locally first. Then we'll Dockerize and get it working with docker-compose.yml. Found this is more useful and the typical steps folks take to setting up Docker Compose. Docker Compose ...

Docker Compose with Rails

December 25, 2021
We'll show you how to set up Docker Compose with Rails. We'll take a very practical approach by starting from scratch. We'll build a simple Rails app, get it working locally, and then get it working with docker compose. We'll configure things so t...

BoltOps Tools