We'll build a Django project from scratch and get it working locally first. Then we'll Dockerize and get it working with docker-compose.yml
. Found this is more useful and the typical steps folks take to setting up Docker Compose.
Docker Compose Commands
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
docker-compose exec web
docker-compose start
docker-compose stop
Docker Commands
docker build -t boltops/docker-compose-django .
docker run boltops/docker-compose-django
docker push boltops/docker-compose-django
Python Commands Summary
Build Project
django-admin startproject mysite
vim requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
vim mysite/settings.py # change db, dont forget import os
python manage.py runserver
mysql -uroot -e 'create database mysite_development'
python manage.py migrate
Add polls app
python manage.py startapp polls
vim polls/models.py
vim polls/urls.py
vim mysite/settings.py # install app
python manage.py makemigrations polls
python manage.py sqlmigrate polls 0001
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py shell
Shell Testing
from polls.models import Choice, Question
Create admin user
python manage.py createsuperuser
- GitHub: boltops-learn/docker-compose-django
- Docker Docs: Compose Sample App Django
- Django Docs: Writing Your First Django App
Docker Essentials
1h 46m
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