Lessons with tag: terraform

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Terraspace: EKS AWS Fargate Cluster with the Terraform Registry

November 20, 2021
We'll walk through creating an EKS cluster with Terraspace using the very popular eks module from the Terraform registry. We'll review: VPC created by Terraform. EKS Cluster and Fargate Profiles. Notes: Here's a cheatsheet of useful commands....

Terraspace: EKS Spot Cluster with the Terraform Registry

November 20, 2021
We'll create an EKS Spot cluster. This is very useful to testing and savings 50% to 90% vs on-demand. Links: Terraform Registry EKS Module: terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-eks

EKS RBAC Adding Users And Granting Access to Cluster with Terraspace Infrastructure as Code

November 21, 2021
Shows how to add additional IAM users with Terraspace and Terraform. We'll codify the IAM users who can access the cluster. Links: AWS Docs: Managing users or IAM roles for your cluster Terraform Registry Module: terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws G...

Terraspace: AWS AutoScaling Group with the Terraform Registry Module

November 22, 2021
We'll build a Terraspace project and an app/stacks/autoscaling stack. The Terraform Registry Module complete example launches lots of different AutoScaling groups and instances and can cost a decent amount of money. So we'll simplify the example t...

Terraspace: AWS AutoScaling Group Connected to an ALB

November 23, 2021
We'll build an AWS AutoScaling Group with an Application Load Balancer connected to it. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-autoscaling-alb Terraform Registry Module: terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling Terraform Registry Module: terrafor...

Terrafile Bundle Example Command

November 23, 2021
We'll cover the terraspace bundle example MOD EXAMPLE command. Links: Terraspace Docs: Terrafile Bundle Example GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-security-group-registry

Terraspace: RDS DB Instance with the Terraform Registry Module

November 23, 2021
We'll build an RDS MySQL Database with the Terraform Registry RDS module. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-rds-registry Terraform Registry Module: terraform-aws-modules/rds Terraform Docs: aws_db_instance

Terraspace Azure Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set with azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set

November 29, 2021
We'll build an Azure Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set with Terraspace and the azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set Terraform resource. We'll build the project from scratch. Links: Terraform Docs: azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set Github...

Terraspace Azure LB Load Balancer Connected to a Virtual Machine Scale Set

November 30, 2021
We'll build an Azure Load Balancer routing traffic to a Virtual Machine Scale Set with Terraspace and the basic Terraform resource building blocks like azurerm_lb. We'll build the project from scratch. Links: Terraform Docs: azurerm_lb Terrafor...

Terraspace AKS Cluster with azurerm_kubernetes_cluster Terraform Resource

November 30, 2021
We'll build an Azure Kubernetes Cluster with AKS. We'll build the Terraspace project from scratch based on the example in the Terraform docs. Links: Azure Docs: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Terraform Docs: azurerm_kubernetes_cluster Github Re...

Terraform HCL Nested Loops

December 17, 2021
We'll take on nested loops with Terraform. Terraform is declarative, so a nested loop can be tricky. Links: Blog Post: Terraform HCL Intro 6: Nested Loops GitHub: boltops-learn/terraform-hcl-tutorials 6-nested-loops

Terraspace Google Secret Manager: Don’t Commit Secrets to Git, Instead Use Secrets Manager

January 4, 2022
Show you how to use Google Secret Manager with Terraspace. This allows to you to not have any secret information like passwords in your Terraform source code. CLI Commands In the video, we mainly focused on learning and using the Google Console....

Terraspace Azure Key Vault Secrets: How to Setup and Use

January 4, 2022
We'll show you how to use Azure Key Vault Secrets with Terraspace. This allows you to not store any secret information like passwords in your Terraform source code. Commands In the video, to focus on learning, we mainly use the Azure Portal Cons...

Terraspace Tfvars Complex Types Transforming Data to Needed Structure Before Terraform Apply

January 9, 2022
When wiring terraform outputs to inputs between modules, sometimes the data structure is not exactly what you need. We'll show how to transform data structures in different ways. This can help you to reuse modules from the Terraform registry witho...

Terraform Basics: Init, Plan, Apply, Destroy

July 23, 2022
We'll cover terraform basics. First, we'll cover how terraform evaluates the .tf files and naming conventions folks use in the real-world. We'll also core terraform commands: terraform init terraform plan terraform apply terraform destroy Terr...

Terraform Variables: Different Types with Examples

July 23, 2022
We'll introduce Terraform Variables and cover how they work. Terraform Variables Docs: https://www.terraform.io/language/values/variables#tuple GitHub Repo: https://github.com/boltops-learn/terraform-fundamentals-101/tree/main/terrraform-variabl...

Terraform Tfvars: How to Set Variables

July 23, 2022
We'll introduce Terraform tfvars and cover different ways to use them. Related Terraform State Links Terraform tfvars docs Github Repo: https://github.com/boltops-learn/terraform-fundamentals-101/tree/main/terrraform-tfvars

Terraform Outputs: Examples and Testing with Console

July 23, 2022
We'll cover Terraform Outputs. Terraform Outputs Docs GitHub Repo: https://github.com/boltops-learn/terraform-fundamentals-101/tree/main/terrraform-outputs

Terraform Locals: Example and Removing Duplication

July 24, 2022
We'll cover Terraform Locals. Terraform Locals Docs GitHub Repo: https://github.com/boltops-learn/terraform-fundamentals-101/blob/main/terrraform-locals/main.tf

Terraform Built-In Functions: Examples with Common Ones

July 24, 2022
We'll cover Terraform Built-In functions. Terraform Built-In functions Docs lookup concat join merge sum GitHub Repo: https://github.com/boltops-learn/terraform-fundamentals-101/blob/main/terrraform-functions/main.tf

Terraform Provider Docs Resources: Navigating and Learning Where to Go

July 24, 2022
We'll provide a gentle walkthrough to some of the Terraform Provider Docs. This helps you understand where and how to look up Terraform Resource documentation. Terraform AWS Provider Docs

Terraform Console: Useful for Debugging and Learning

July 24, 2022
We'll cover terraform console. This is particularly useful when first getting started with Terraform and learning. It's being introduced early. Terraform Docs: terraform console GitHub Repo: https://github.com/boltops-learn/terraform-fundamental...

Terraform Custom Modules: How to Write One

July 24, 2022
We'll gently introduce and show you how to create your own custom terraform module. This is a key concept that allows you to create reusable configurations. Terraform Modules Docs GitHub Repo: https://github.com/boltops-learn/terraform-fundament...

Terraform Local Backend Statefile Deep Dive: What’s Actually in the Statefile

July 24, 2022
We'll take a close look at the terraform local backend file that gets created: terraform.tfstate. We'll show what happens when an explicit local backend is configured and the path is moved. Terraform is smart enough to migrate it. You should alway...

Terraform State: What is the Statefile and Why It’s Needed

July 24, 2022
Terraform state is an essential topic. We'll explain what the statefile is and why Terraform requires it. We'll introduce different backends and provide an high-level overview. Terraform State Overview Docs Terraspace State Approach and Thoughts

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