Lessons with tag: kubernetes

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EKS Security Groups for Pods

November 22, 2021
Shows show to use AWS Security Groups with Kubernetes Pods. Wanted to mention that there are pros and cons with Pod-level security groups: Pro: Fine-grain control over the security group for all the pods in that deployment. This allows you to ta...

Terraspace AKS Cluster with azurerm_kubernetes_cluster Terraform Resource

November 30, 2021
We'll build an Azure Kubernetes Cluster with AKS. We'll build the Terraspace project from scratch based on the example in the Terraform docs. Links: Azure Docs: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Terraform Docs: azurerm_kubernetes_cluster Github Re...

Azure AKS Cluster with the Portal: Create Cluster and Deploy App with kubectl

December 12, 2021
We'll create an AKS Cluster with the Azure Portal. We'll show how Azure creates the Kubernetes cluster resources under a different resource group with the prefix MC_. We'll explore and explain how AKS dog-foods it and uses a Uniform Virtual Mach...

Google GKE Kubernetes Cluster with Console

December 19, 2021
We'll build a GKE Kubernetes Cluster with the Google Console. We'll briefly note the differences between a GKE Standard vs GKE AutoPilot cluster and create a Standard Cluster. We'll cover the options quite thoroughly. We'll also deploy some simple...

Docker Networks Tutorial: How They Work

December 21, 2021
We'll cover Docker networks and show you how they work. Generally, you won't have to deal too much with Docker networks as they get handled by the orchestration software, IE: Kubernetes and ECS. We'll cover them anyway so you can understand how th...

Docker Favorite Debugging Tip loop.sh

December 21, 2021
We'll show you one of my favorite Docker debugging tips. It's especially helpful when you're trying to get the docker running for the first time on Kubernetes or ECS. Note: You can also run "sleep infinity" CMD ["sleep", "infinity"] Links: bo...

Kubes Central Deployer Pattern

February 6, 2022
We'll cover the Kubes Central Deployer Pattern. This is useful if your applications are similarly set up. You can use it as the "standard" kubernetes deployment for your company.

Kubernetes Ingress External Load Balancer with Google Managed Certificate Resource

August 11, 2022
We'll cover how to use create and use a Google SSL Managed SSL Certificate with the Kubernetes ManagedCertificate resource. Links GitHub Repo https://github.com/boltops-learn/kubes-examples/tree/master/yaml/google/elb7-https-managed-certificate

Java Spark Web Frontend and Backend Apps

August 16, 2022
We'll cover the Java Spark Microframework. This is Sinatra-like framework in Java. This lightweight framework is great to use for quick demo apps. We'll walk thorough both simple pre-built backend and frontend apps. The frontend app simple call...

Java Spring Boot Web Backend and Frontend Demo Apps

August 17, 2022
We'll cover the Java Boot Framework. This framework is a popular choice for Java developers writing web apps. We'll take you through 2 demo apps that covers a common pattern of a frontend app calling a backend app. We'll walk thorough both sim...

GKE Workload Identity Intro Tutorial

August 17, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA We'll go through the Google Docs and explain what it's talking ...

GKE Workload Identity Automated with Kubes: Spring Boot, PostgreSQL

August 17, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA In this video, we'll automate the entire process of creating bo...

GKE Workload Identity Automated with Kubes: Confirm with gcloud

August 18, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA In this video, we'll automate the entire process of creating bo...

k9s Top-Like Kubernetes Tool

August 21, 2022
The k9s Kubernetes tool terminal based UI tool. It's a mixture of vim and top. If you're into vim you'll probably love k9s. If not, k9s is still very useful, but may take some more time to get used to. We'll take you through a demo of the tool an...

Kubernetes CloudSQL Proxy PostgreSQL Rails

August 21, 2022
CloudSQL Proxy is an additional layer of security to connect to a CloudSQL database in Google. In order to start the process, you need Google IAM permission to start this daemon process. Once it's up, you can connect to localhost. You probably wan...

Kubernetes CloudSQL Proxy MySQL Rails

August 21, 2022
CloudSQL Proxy is an additional layer of security to connect to a CloudSQL database in Google. In order to start the process, you need Google IAM permission to start this daemon process. Once it's up, you can connect to localhost. You probably wan...

BoltOps Tools