Lessons with tag: java

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Java Spark Web Frontend and Backend Apps

August 16, 2022
We'll cover the Java Spark Microframework. This is Sinatra-like framework in Java. This lightweight framework is great to use for quick demo apps. We'll walk thorough both simple pre-built backend and frontend apps. The frontend app simple call...

Java Spring Initializr Maven

August 16, 2022
We'll use the Spring Initializer generator to create a starter Spring Boot project with a pom.xml file. We'll also get the Spring Boot app working by adding a route to the homepage and controller print out "Hello World" We'll build the project ...

Java Spring Boot Web Backend and Frontend Demo Apps

August 17, 2022
We'll cover the Java Boot Framework. This framework is a popular choice for Java developers writing web apps. We'll take you through 2 demo apps that covers a common pattern of a frontend app calling a backend app. We'll walk thorough both sim...

Java Spring Boot Actuator Health Check

August 21, 2022
How to configure the Spring Boot actuator health check.

Java gradle vs gradlew

August 21, 2022
A quick video to explain the difference between the gradle vs gradlew commands. Essentially, gradlew is a wrapper shell script that ensures everyone working on the project is using the same version of gradle. The script is also smart enough to d...

Java Spring Initializr Gradle

September 7, 2022
We'll use the Spring Initializer generator to create a starter Spring Boot project with a build.gradle file. We'll also get the Spring Boot app working by adding a route to the homepage and controller print out "Hello World" We'll build the pro...

BoltOps Tools