Lessons with tag: terraform

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Terraspace Cost Estimation: A Few Examples with $1,287/mo EC2 Example and Different EKS Clusters

July 22, 2022
We'll review the Terraspace Cost Estimation instructions and then do something fun. We'll see what some of the example modules from the Terraform Registry costs. The cost estimates 🤣 ec2: $8.39/mo complete ec2 example: $1,287/mo 😱 ecs-spot: $141...

Terraform Intro: What is Terraform?

July 24, 2022
We'll explain what Terraform is. For context, we'll provide a high level overview of: Infrastructure Orchestration Space: Terraform, CloudFormation, Azure Resource Manager, Google Deployment Manager Configuration Management Space: Chef, Salt HCL...

Terraform S3 Backend: How To Configure Tutorial

July 26, 2022
We'll show how to configure an terraform s3 backend. We'll do a deep dive and inspect what terraform is actually creating in the dynamodb tables and s3 bucket. We'll also talk a little bit about the naming convention for bucket and key path. Git...

Terraform AWS EC2 Instance: Plan, Apply, Destroy

July 26, 2022
We'll cover how to create a simple EC2 instance resource throughly. We'll go through the commands: terraform init terraform plan terraform apply terraform destroy More importantly, we'll cover the difference between an update-in-place vs an apply...
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Terraform templatefile vs template_file: Which One To Use

August 3, 2022
Covers the 2 similarly named templatefile vs template_file and walks through a demo of both. Summary template_file is a data source. No longer recommended by Hashicorp. templatefile is a built-in function. More powerful and cleaner syntax. Use...
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AWS CloudFormation High-Level Introduction

August 3, 2022
In this introduction we'll talk about what CloudFormation is at a high-level. Note, video is more theoretical than practical hands-on like most other videos. It's quite useful though for those who are just getting started. We'll provide backgroun...

Terraform Install: Recommended Way

August 12, 2022
We'll show how to install terraform. Terraform Install Docs: https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/install-cli tfenv: https://github.com/tfutils/tfenv
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BoltOps Tools