Lessons with tag: terraform

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Terraform Workspaces: Why They're Not Recommended

July 26, 2022
We'll cover Terraform Workspaces. We'll go through a demo with them. I explain why I generally don't use them. Mainly, because it doesn't isolate the backend from dev and prod. Instead, creating a separate backend with a separate bucket for dev an...

Terraspace AWS Security Group: Create Tutorial

August 2, 2022
We'll cover how to create an AWS Security Group with Terraform. Though this might seem like a simple example, it's very useful to learn AWS because: It's quick to create a security group It's free It'll be useful for other videos Links GitHu...

Terraform AWS Webserver: Configure EC2 Instance UserData and SSH Debugging

August 2, 2022
We'll show you now to create an AWS EC2 Instance with Terraform and write UserData script that will configure the instance at launch. We're combing knowledge we've learned from in other lessons: creating an instance and security group. And making...

Terraform AWS Data Sources

August 2, 2022
We'll cover Terraform Data Sources. Particularly two useful examples to help get started: aws_ami and aws_vpc. Terraform Data Sources Links https://www.terraform.io/language/data-sources https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/lat...

Terraform AWS Launch Templates

August 3, 2022
We'll cover how to create an AWS Launch Template with Terraform. This prepares us for later lessons like AutoScaling that use Launch Templates. Terraform LaunchTemplate Docs: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/res...

Terraform AWS AutoScaling with Launch Template

August 3, 2022
We'll show you how to create an AutoScaling Group with a Launch Template with Terraform. This builds upon the Launch Template video. Using Launch Template is recommended by AWS nowadays. AutoScaling Group and Launch Template Docs https://regist...

Terraform AWS AutoScaling with Mixed Instance Types

August 3, 2022
We'll create an AWS AutoScaling Group with Mixed Instance Types. This is one of my favorite stacks because it allows us to mix and match spot and on-demand instances. With spot, we can save 50-90%. Terraform AutoScaling Docs https://registry.t...

Terraform AWS Load Balancer Standalone

August 3, 2022
We'll create an AWS Load Balancer with Terraform. We'll cover all the resource components that's needed: aws_lb aws_lb_listener aws_lb_target_group aws_security_group Terraform Load Balancer Docs https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashi...

Terraform AWS AutoScaling and Application Load Balancer

August 3, 2022
We'll create an AWS AutoScaling Group with an Application Load Balancer. Terraform Load Balancer Docs https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/lb_target_group https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp...

Terraform Import Command: Learn How to Use It

August 3, 2022
We'll cover the terraform import command. The command import existing infrastructure resources into the terraform statefile. Many folks do not have greenfield projects and that's fine. The terraform import command allows you to take manually crea...

AWS CloudFormation Change Sets

August 12, 2022
We'll cover CloudFormation Change Sets. It allows you to preview what CloudFormation will do before having to press the scary big red button. For those coming from different worlds: Tool Name CloudFormation Change Sets Terraform plan Ch...

AWS CloudFormation Drift Detection

August 12, 2022
We'll explain what AWS CloudFormation Drift Detection is and how it works. It's similar to terraform plan but there are some differences. We'll cover the nuances, differences and walk through an example. Links AWS CloudFormation Docs Using Stac...

BoltOps Tools