Lessons with tag: spot

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How to Find Current AWS EC2 Spot Market Prices

December 13, 2021
We'll show you how to find current AWS EC2 Instance spot prices. There are several ways, we'll go through 6 of them! Links: Blog Post: How to Find the Current AWS EC2 Spot Market Price Amazon EC2 Spot Instances Pricing Spot Instance Advisor EC2...

AWS Spot Instance with the EC2 Console

December 13, 2021
We'll show you how to launch a spot EC2 instance. There are different Spot Request Types. We'll also review and explain them. Request Type Persistence instance one-time instance persistent fleet request fleet maintain
free lesson

AWS Launch Templates Pros vs Cons and Theory vs Practice: How to Use Them in the Real World

December 15, 2021
We'll introduce AWS Launch Templates and explain what they do. More importantly, we'll talk about the Theory vs Practice of using Launch Templates. How to actually use them in practice. What Settings Can We Change at Launch Time? Launch Templa...

Different Ways to Launch AWS EC2 Spot Instances

December 25, 2021
We'll provide a high-level overview of the different ways to launch AWS EC2 spot instances. We'll talk about their different complexity levels and age in existence. The 3 different ways: EC2 Instances Spot Fleets AutoScaling Groups The recomme...

Terraspace Cost Estimation: A Few Examples with $1,287/mo EC2 Example and Different EKS Clusters

July 22, 2022
We'll review the Terraspace Cost Estimation instructions and then do something fun. We'll see what some of the example modules from the Terraform Registry costs. The cost estimates 🤣 ec2: $8.39/mo complete ec2 example: $1,287/mo 😱 ecs-spot: $141...

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