Lessons with tag: aws

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Terraform AWS Data Sources

August 2, 2022
We'll cover Terraform Data Sources. Particularly two useful examples to help get started: aws_ami and aws_vpc. Terraform Data Sources Links https://www.terraform.io/language/data-sources https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/lat...

Terraform AWS Webserver: Configure EC2 Instance UserData and SSH Debugging

August 2, 2022
We'll show you now to create an AWS EC2 Instance with Terraform and write UserData script that will configure the instance at launch. We're combing knowledge we've learned from in other lessons: creating an instance and security group. And making...

Terraspace AWS Security Group: Create Tutorial

August 2, 2022
We'll cover how to create an AWS Security Group with Terraform. Though this might seem like a simple example, it's very useful to learn AWS because: It's quick to create a security group It's free It'll be useful for other videos Links GitHu...

Terraform AWS EC2 Instance: Plan, Apply, Destroy

July 26, 2022
We'll cover how to create a simple EC2 instance resource throughly. We'll go through the commands: terraform init terraform plan terraform apply terraform destroy More importantly, we'll cover the difference between an update-in-place vs an apply...
free lesson

Terraform S3 Backend: How To Configure Tutorial

July 26, 2022
We'll show how to configure an terraform s3 backend. We'll do a deep dive and inspect what terraform is actually creating in the dynamodb tables and s3 bucket. We'll also talk a little bit about the naming convention for bucket and key path. Git...

Terraform Provider Docs Resources: Navigating and Learning Where to Go

July 24, 2022
We'll provide a gentle walkthrough to some of the Terraform Provider Docs. This helps you understand where and how to look up Terraform Resource documentation. Terraform AWS Provider Docs

Terraform Tfvars: How to Set Variables

July 23, 2022
We'll introduce Terraform tfvars and cover different ways to use them. Related Terraform State Links Terraform tfvars docs Github Repo: https://github.com/boltops-learn/terraform-fundamentals-101/tree/main/terrraform-tfvars

Terraspace Cost Estimation: A Few Examples with $1,287/mo EC2 Example and Different EKS Clusters

July 22, 2022
We'll review the Terraspace Cost Estimation instructions and then do something fun. We'll see what some of the example modules from the Terraform Registry costs. The cost estimates 🤣 ec2: $8.39/mo complete ec2 example: $1,287/mo 😱 ecs-spot: $141...

Azure MySQL Flexible vs Single Server Offerings: Flexible Basically Provides HA Option

February 4, 2022
We'll cover the difference between the Azure MySQL Flexible vs Single Server offerings. The Flexible Server is similar to AWS RDS Multi-AZ. So it provides a failover standby for High Availability, HA. Though it may remind AWS users of Aurora, it...

Account Structure Hierarchies AWS vs Azure vs Google

January 27, 2022
We'll cover the different ways and names that cloud providers use to organize the account structure.

Terraspace Restricting AWS Regions: Only Allow us-west-2 and us-east-1

January 25, 2022
We'll show you how to restrict the AWS regions that are allowed to be deployed to with Terraspace. Note, this check is only at the Terraspace level. config/app.rb Terraspace.configure do |config| # .. config.allow.regions = ["us-west-2", "us...

AWS CloudShell Introduction

January 24, 2022
Will show a quick demo of the AWS Cloud Shell. It's a nice way to do things on the go when you don't have your computer on hand. All you need is a web browser. Some useful commands to help explore the Cloud Shell: aws s3 ls cat /etc/os-release

AWS Cloud9 IDE Editor Demo and Why I Currently Use It

January 13, 2022
Will cover the reasons why am using Cloud9 as my current IDE. Will also provide a demo of how to create a Cloud9 machine, going through and showing the resources AWS that launches. Pros: Internet Speed: This is the number one reason why I used ...

Terraspace Getting Started with AWS

January 9, 2022
We’ll go through the Terraspace Getting Started guide with AWS. We'll generate a new Terraspace project with an s3 bucket example. Deploy it, updated it, and learn how Terraspace works. Links: Terraspace Docs: AWS Getting Started

EKS: Self-Managed Nodes vs Managed Node Group vs AWS Fargate

January 6, 2022
We'll cover the different EKS Nodes and what they mean. Essentially, EKS manages Kubernetes-as-a-Service but this mainly means the Kubernetes control plane. You still need to provide compute nodes to your EKS cluster so they have the capacity to ...

AWS Configuring the CLI Credentials: Setup .aws/config Instructions

January 4, 2022
We'll show you how to configure the AWS CLI credentials. We'll create actual IAM users and set them up as named profiles in the ~/.aws/credentials and ~/.aws/config files. Links: Configuration settings and precedence Named profiles for the AWS ...

Terraspace Secrets with AWS: Don’t Commit Secrets into Git, Instead Use SSM and Secrets Manager

January 4, 2022
Committing secrets into your source version control is not a good practice. We'll show you how to use AWS SecretsManager and SSM Parameter Store to store and use secrets safely instead. Commands In the video, to focus on learning, we mainly use ...
free lesson

Terraspace Azure Key Vault Secrets: How to Setup and Use

January 4, 2022
We'll show you how to use Azure Key Vault Secrets with Terraspace. This allows you to not store any secret information like passwords in your Terraform source code. Commands In the video, to focus on learning, we mainly use the Azure Portal Cons...

Different Ways to Launch AWS EC2 Spot Instances

December 25, 2021
We'll provide a high-level overview of the different ways to launch AWS EC2 spot instances. We'll talk about their different complexity levels and age in existence. The 3 different ways: EC2 Instances Spot Fleets AutoScaling Groups The recomme...

AWS How To Add Shortcut Console Links to the Menu

December 20, 2021
Short video shows you how to add shortcut links to the top of the AWS navigation. Makes it easy to just get to your most used AWS consoles in a single click.

Google Network with the Console and Design Thoughts

December 19, 2021
We'll build a VPC Network with the Google Console. Will explain a lot of reasoning in why think a simple Google Network design will work for a lot of cases. Will address questions folks who are from the AWS world might be wondering about.

Google Network Fundamentals: AWS vs Google

December 18, 2021
We'll cover how Google Networks work. They are global. We'll compare them to AWS VPCs to help emphasize how they are global instead of regional, which are what most people are used to when thinking about Virtual Networks.

AWS AutoScaling Group with ELB: Popular Stack with Traditional VMs

December 17, 2021
Show you how to build an AutoScaling Group with an ELB. We'll create a Launch Template, Security Group, Application Load Balancer, and AutoScaling Group with Multiple Instance Types. We'll cover many details of each of the settings. Will also prov...

AWS VPC Fundamentals: CIDR Ranges, Subnets, Route Tables, IGW, NAT, Network ACL, Security Groups

December 16, 2021
We'll explain how AWS VPCs work and cover their fundamental building components. The VPC is a highly available design. This is essential if you need to build VPCs. It's also very useful when you need to debug VPC networks. We'll cover: CIDR rang...

AWS AutoScaling Group and ELB: Repeat of Lesson with More Debugging

December 16, 2021
We'll create an AWS AutoScaling Group with an ELB. In this longer video, we'll show some common mistakes and how to debug and errors along the way :) We'll also show you how to further harden the security of the setup by only whitelisting the demo...

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