Lessons with tag: aws

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How to Find Current AWS EC2 Spot Market Prices

December 13, 2021
We'll show you how to find current AWS EC2 Instance spot prices. There are several ways, we'll go through 6 of them! Links: Blog Post: How to Find the Current AWS EC2 Spot Market Price Amazon EC2 Spot Instances Pricing Spot Instance Advisor EC2...

Terraform Registry EKS Module Code Review and Summary

November 20, 2021
We'll review and quickly figure out what the Terraform Registry EKS module creates by using grep. Useful greps grep '^resource' modules/fargate/*.tf grep '^resource' modules/node_groups/*.tf grep '^resource' *.tf grep '^module "' *.tf Links: T...
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The eksctl Docs Walkthrough

November 18, 2021
We'll walk through the eksctl Docs. The eksctl tool is a powerful way to create and managed EKS clusters. There's a lot more to the tool than the AWS docs can cover. By walking through the docs site, you'll learn where you'll need to go to use the...

EKS AWS Load Balancers Overview

October 9, 2021
Learn about the different AWS Load Balancers and how they map to EKS Kubernetes resources like Service and Ingress Resources. Kubernetes Service resources are layer 4 load balancers. Kubernetes Ingress resources are layer 7 load balancers. AWS has...

EKS Managed Nodes Cluster with eksctl

October 9, 2021
We'll walk through creating an EKS cluster with the eksctl tool. We'll create a EKS powered by Managed Nodes. To help learn about the eksctl tool and we'll explore and review what gets created: CloudFormation Stacks VPC Network EKS Cluster EC2 ...
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Terraspace Quick Start

November 28, 2020
In this Terraspace Quick Start video, we'll show you how to get started with Terraspace quickly. We'll cover: modules and stacks custom hooks custom args multiple environments like dev and prod multiple regions like us-west-1 and us-west-2

CloudFormation Template and jq Tips Summarize Resources

September 17, 2017
AWS CloudFormation Templates and jq Tips. In this video, I'll show you how to use jq to quickly summarize what resources are defined in a CloudFormation template. I found this to be useful to help understand how a CloudFormation template works. ...

BoltOps Tools