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Terraform HCL Loops With Dynamic Block

July 13, 2021
We'll learn how to assign multiple attributes per iteration. As a part of this, we'll cover another Terraform looping construct, the dynamic nested block. The dynamic nested block provides a way to build repeated nested configuration blocks. This ...

Terraform HCL for in Loop Basics

July 15, 2021
In this video, we'll cover the Terraform for in loop construct. Though it performs looping, its primary purpose is really for manipulating data structures. You can do a few things to data structures with it: Transform: Change the data structure....

Terraform HCL Loop Examples and Removing Duplication

July 15, 2021
This video provides more examples, shows local assignment, and covers how to set default attribute values. Remember, for is useful for data structure manipulation. Sometimes you may not get the data in the structure that is easy for you to work wi...

Terraspace Generators: Going Through a Few Examples

July 18, 2021
Terraspace has several generators. We'll cover them so you know that they're available and are helpful to getting started. Links: Terraspace Docs: Generators

Terraspace Hooks: Add Custom Logic and Scripts for Terraform Plan, Apply, Destroy and Other Commands

July 18, 2021
How to customize terraspace workflow with hooks. You can hook before or after any terraform command like terraform apply, terraform init. You can also hook into terraspace commands like terraspace build. Links: Terraspace Docs: Hooks

Terraspace Customizing Terraform Args: Spare Yourself From Typing CLI Args Over and Over

July 18, 2021
Terraspace supports customizing the args passed to the terraform commands. We'll learn how to configure the terraform args. Links: Terraspace Docs: Custom Args

Terraspace All Background Info: Why Terraform Itself Recommends Separate Stacks

July 18, 2021
We'll introduce terraspace all and cover some background information about it. For example, it helps stick to terraform recommendations on how to organize your code. Links: Terraspace Docs: Deploy All

Terraspace All: A Full Walkthrough and Demo of Deploying Multiple Stacks with a Single Command

July 18, 2021
A full walkthrough of the terraspace all command with example project. Links: Terraspace Docs: Deploy Multiple Stacks

Terraspace Using Custom Helpers to Extend the Framework: Define Your Own Methods

July 18, 2021
We'll show you how to extend the Terraspace framework with your own helper methods. Links: Terraspace Docs: Custom Helpers

Terraspace Use Different Modules for dev and prod with Terraform

July 18, 2021
You'll learn how to pin down different version numbers of the same module for dev and prod environments. Links: Terraspace Docs: Different Module Versions for Dev and Prod

Terraspace Testing: How to Test Terraform Modules

July 26, 2021
We'll cover how to test a Terraform module with Terraspace. Links: Terraspace Docs: Module-Level Testing

Terraspace Testing: How to Test Terraspace Stacks

July 26, 2021
We'll cover how to test a Terraspace stack. Links: Terraspace Docs: Stack-Level Testing

Terraspace Testing: How to Test Custom Helpers

July 26, 2021
We'll cover how to test a custom helper with Terraspace project-level tests. Links: Terraspace Docs: Project-Level Testing

Terrafile GitHub Example

August 25, 2021
We'll demo and go through an Terrafile example with a GitHub source Links: Terraspace Docs: Git

Terrafile Terraform Registry Example

August 25, 2021
We'll demo and go through an Terrafile example with a Terraform Registry source Links: Terraspace Docs: Terraform Registry

Terrafile Stack Option

August 25, 2021
We'll cover what the Stack Option is and how it can save you time when trying out examples. Note: The terraspace bundle example command is a generally better approach than the stack option. Links: Terraspace Docs: Terrafile Stack Option

Terraspace: AWS VPC with the Terraform Registry Module

October 1, 2021
We'll build a VPC using the popular terraform-aws-modules/vpc registry module. This is the most popular and downloaded module on the planet. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-vpc Terraform Registry VPC module: boltops-learn/terraspace...

Terraspace: EC2 Instance with aws_instance Terraform Resource

October 3, 2021
We'll build an EC2 instance with the native terraform aws_instance resource. We'll build the project from scratch. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-instance Terraform Docs: aws_instance Terraform Docs: template_file rendered

Terraspace: EC2 Instance with the Terraform Registry Module

October 3, 2021
We'll build an EC2 instance with the terraform-aws-modules/ec2-instance registry module. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-ec2 Terraform Registry module: terraform-aws-modules/ec2-instance Terraform aws_instance docs: aws_instance Ter...

Terraspace: RDS MySQL Database with aws_db_instance Terraform Resource

October 4, 2021
We'll build an RDS MySQL Database with the aws_db_instance resource. To test, we’ll connect to the launched DB with the mysql client and confirm it actually works. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-db-instance Terraform Docs: aws_db_...

EKS AWS Classic Load Balancer with Service LoadBalancer Type Resource

October 9, 2021
Learn how to create an external public facing load balancer with the simple Service Type LoadBalancer. This creates an AWS Classic Load Balancer. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples aws/clb

EKS AWS Load Balancer Controller Setup

October 9, 2021
Learn how to set up the EKS AWS Load Balancer Controller plugin. It's the control loop that is needed to create Network Load Balancers with a Kubernetes Service Resource. And it's also used to create an Application Load Balancers with an Kubernete...

EKS AWS Network Load Balancer with Service Resource

October 9, 2021
Learn how to create an AWS Network Load Balancer with a Kubernetes Service Resource. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples aws/nlb

EKS AWS Application Load Balancer with Ingress Resource

October 9, 2021
Learn how to create an AWS Application Load Balancer with a Kubernetes Ingress Resource. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples aws/alb

Kubernetes: kubectl logs command

October 9, 2021
Learn useful tips about the kubectl logs command. This is how you can see your container logs. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples

BoltOps Tools