Lessons with tag: google

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Google Default Network: How to Recreate Default Network

December 18, 2021
We'll show you how to recreate the default Google VPC Network if you've accidentally deleted it.

Google Network with the Console and Design Thoughts

December 19, 2021
We'll build a VPC Network with the Google Console. Will explain a lot of reasoning in why think a simple Google Network design will work for a lot of cases. Will address questions folks who are from the AWS world might be wondering about.

Google VPC Network with the Console Quick Start

December 19, 2021
We'll create a VPC Network with the Google Console. We go into more details in the Design Thoughts video, in this video we'll focus on creating the VPC quickly.

Google GKE Kubernetes Cluster with Console

December 19, 2021
We'll build a GKE Kubernetes Cluster with the Google Console. We'll briefly note the differences between a GKE Standard vs GKE AutoPilot cluster and create a Standard Cluster. We'll cover the options quite thoroughly. We'll also deploy some simple...

Google Cloud How to Add Shortcut Links to the Menu

December 20, 2021
Shows you how to add shortcut links to the Google Console menu. It's the "pin" icon.

Terraspace Google Secret Manager: Don’t Commit Secrets to Git, Instead Use Secrets Manager

January 4, 2022
Show you how to use Google Secret Manager with Terraspace. This allows to you to not have any secret information like passwords in your Terraform source code. CLI Commands In the video, we mainly focused on learning and using the Google Console....

EKS: Self-Managed Nodes vs Managed Node Group vs AWS Fargate

January 6, 2022
We'll cover the different EKS Nodes and what they mean. Essentially, EKS manages Kubernetes-as-a-Service but this mainly means the Kubernetes control plane. You still need to provide compute nodes to your EKS cluster so they have the capacity to ...

Terraspace Getting Started with Google Cloud

January 9, 2022
We'll go through the Getting Started guide with Google Cloud. We’ll go through the Getting Started guide with Google Cloud. We'll create a GCS bucket and delete it with Terraspace and Terraform. Links: Terraspace Docs: Google Cloud Getting Star...

Gcloud Config Configurations CLI Command

January 9, 2022
We'll cover the gcloud config configurations command. It can be used to switch between google projects quickly. Gcloud Config Cheatsheet List gcloud config configurations list Create dev configuration gcloud config configurations create dev gcl...

GCP Google Cloud Shell Introduction

January 24, 2022
Demo how to use Google Cloud Shell. It's a terminal in a browser :) It's a nice way to do things on the go when you don't have your computer on hand. All you need is a web browser. Some useful commands to help explore the Cloud Shell: gsutil ls ...

Account Structure Hierarchies AWS vs Azure vs Google

January 27, 2022
We'll cover the different ways and names that cloud providers use to organize the account structure.

Terraform Intro: What is Terraform?

July 24, 2022
We'll explain what Terraform is. For context, we'll provide a high level overview of: Infrastructure Orchestration Space: Terraform, CloudFormation, Azure Resource Manager, Google Deployment Manager Configuration Management Space: Chef, Salt HCL...

AWS CloudFormation High-Level Introduction

August 3, 2022
In this introduction we'll talk about what CloudFormation is at a high-level. Note, video is more theoretical than practical hands-on like most other videos. It's quite useful though for those who are just getting started. We'll provide backgroun...

Kubernetes Ingress External Load Balancer with Google Managed Certificate Resource

August 11, 2022
We'll cover how to use create and use a Google SSL Managed SSL Certificate with the Kubernetes ManagedCertificate resource. Links GitHub Repo https://github.com/boltops-learn/kubes-examples/tree/master/yaml/google/elb7-https-managed-certificate

GKE Workload Identity Intro Tutorial

August 17, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA We'll go through the Google Docs and explain what it's talking ...

GKE Workload Identity Automated with Kubes: Spring Boot, PostgreSQL

August 17, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA In this video, we'll automate the entire process of creating bo...

GKE Workload Identity Automated with Kubes: Confirm with gcloud

August 18, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA In this video, we'll automate the entire process of creating bo...

Kubernetes CloudSQL Proxy PostgreSQL Rails

August 21, 2022
CloudSQL Proxy is an additional layer of security to connect to a CloudSQL database in Google. In order to start the process, you need Google IAM permission to start this daemon process. Once it's up, you can connect to localhost. You probably wan...

Kubernetes CloudSQL Proxy MySQL Rails

August 21, 2022
CloudSQL Proxy is an additional layer of security to connect to a CloudSQL database in Google. In order to start the process, you need Google IAM permission to start this daemon process. Once it's up, you can connect to localhost. You probably wan...

Google ILB as Next Hop

September 5, 2022
We'll cover how to set up a Google Internal Load Balancer as the Next Hop. This setup is typically done when you have a corporate network where you want to route your egress or outbound traffic through some Network Monitoring Appliances. Network A...

Google VPN Tunnel Between Two Google Networks

September 7, 2022
We'll set up a Google VPN Tunnel between 2 Google Networks. This is a good way to learn how VPN tunnels work with Google.

Google VPC Network Peering Tutorial

September 8, 2022
We'll peer 2 Google Networks together. We'll show you how with it peer you can then talk to private IP addresses between the 2 networks. VPC peering makes it so the 2 networks are as if it were one big network.

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