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AWS CloudFormation Intro: Console Tutorial

August 3, 2022
We'll provide a general introduction with the AWS CloudFormation management console. This is a great way to get started learning how to use CloudFormation. It's also a good refresher for those who already know CloudFormation. Links https://docs...
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AWS CloudFormation Intro: CLI Tutorial

August 3, 2022
We'll provide a general introduction with the AWS CloudFormation CLI. This is right up the alley for those who are used to using the CLI. Links

AWS CloudFormation: Webserver EC2 Instance and Security Group

August 4, 2022
In this video, we'll walk you through a real-world situation where: You'll download an existing CloudFormation template Review it Update and fix it so it works We'll install apache with UserData and show you how to ssh into the instance and de...

AWS CloudFormation Resources

August 4, 2022
We'll introduce the resources section of CloudFormation template. This is the only required section and hence is a good starting point. We'll create a security group because: required: At least one actual resource is required by CloudFormation. ...
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AWS CloudFormation Parameters

August 4, 2022
CloudFormation parameters are essentially inputs to the CloudFormation template. They allow you to reuse the same template and create different stacks. Links GitHub Repo

AWS CloudFormation Outputs

August 4, 2022
AWS CloudFormation Outputs are like "return values". For the most part, people use them to surface useful attributes to the AWS CloudFormation management console. Links GitHub Repo

AWS CloudFormation Mappings

August 4, 2022
AWS CloudFormation mappings are like a 2-level case statement or hash or dictionary or map. The data structure allows you to perform some logic and grab elements out of this structure. It's usual use to grab a region specific AMI. We'll provide a...

AWS CloudFormation Pseudo Parameters

August 4, 2022
CloudFormation pseudo-parameters are parameters that are not defined by you, they are defined by CloudFormation. You reference or use them just like normal parameters though. They're common used and seen in a lot of CloudFormation templates. Link...

AWS CloudFormation Conditions and Condition Functions

August 4, 2022
Conditions and Condition Functions are how you perform conditional logic with CloudFormation. They are pretty weird because of the declarative nature of CloudFormation. The Condition is a way to capture a result of a Condition Functions in a "vari...

AWS CloudFormation SSM Parameter Types

August 4, 2022
AWS CloudFormation SSM Parameter Types is a special type of parameter that allows you reference SSM Param Store values. This is useful to reference the latest Amazon Linux 2 AMI published by AWS. We'll cover it and shows how much it simplifies you...

AWS CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions

August 4, 2022
CloudFormation Intrinsic Functions are built-in functions that allow you to perform some logic. They're quite useful and you'll see them out in the wild being used so it's good to get to know them. CloudFormation Docs Intrinsic Functions EC2 Se...

Kubernetes Ingress External Load Balancer with Google Managed Certificate Resource

August 11, 2022
We'll cover how to use create and use a Google SSL Managed SSL Certificate with the Kubernetes ManagedCertificate resource. Links GitHub Repo

aws cloudformation package

August 11, 2022
We'll cover the command aws cloudformation package Links aws cloudformation package aws cloudformation deploy AWS CloudFormation Lambda GitHub Repo:

Terraform Install: Recommended Way

August 12, 2022
We'll show how to install terraform. Terraform Install Docs: tfenv:
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aws cloudformation deploy

August 12, 2022
We'll cover the CLI command aws cloudformation deploy We'll also discuss how it's different from the commands aws cloudformation create-stack aws cloudformation update-stack Links AWS CLI Docs: aws cloudformation deploy GitHub Repo: https://g...

AWS CloudFormation Change Sets

August 12, 2022
We'll cover CloudFormation Change Sets. It allows you to preview what CloudFormation will do before having to press the scary big red button. For those coming from different worlds: Tool Name CloudFormation Change Sets Terraform plan Ch...

AWS CloudFormation Drift Detection

August 12, 2022
We'll explain what AWS CloudFormation Drift Detection is and how it works. It's similar to terraform plan but there are some differences. We'll cover the nuances, differences and walk through an example. Links AWS CloudFormation Docs Using Stac...

Java Hello World

August 16, 2022
Stereotypical simple java program prints "hello world". Commands: javac java Hello

Java Install: The Recommended Way

August 16, 2022
Walks you through how to install Java using the sdkman tool. Install curl -s "" | bash Commands Cheatsheet sdk java -version sdk list sdk list java java -version sdk list maven sdk list gradle sdk list tomcat sdk list ant s...
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Java Tomcat Demo App

August 16, 2022
We'll walk through a tomcat demo app. We'll show how tomcat handles deployment. All you have to do is copy the war file into the webapps folder and tomcat will automatically expand it and reload the server. We'll also explain the tomcat exampl...
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Java Spark Web Frontend and Backend Apps

August 16, 2022
We'll cover the Java Spark Microframework. This is Sinatra-like framework in Java. This lightweight framework is great to use for quick demo apps. We'll walk thorough both simple pre-built backend and frontend apps. The frontend app simple call...

Java Spring Initializr Maven

August 16, 2022
We'll use the Spring Initializer generator to create a starter Spring Boot project with a pom.xml file. We'll also get the Spring Boot app working by adding a route to the homepage and controller print out "Hello World" We'll build the project ...

Java Spring Boot Web Backend and Frontend Demo Apps

August 17, 2022
We'll cover the Java Boot Framework. This framework is a popular choice for Java developers writing web apps. We'll take you through 2 demo apps that covers a common pattern of a frontend app calling a backend app. We'll walk thorough both sim...

GKE Workload Identity Intro Tutorial

August 17, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA We'll go through the Google Docs and explain what it's talking ...

GKE Workload Identity Automated with Kubes: Spring Boot, PostgreSQL

August 17, 2022
GKE Workload Identity is a way to associated a Google Service Account with a Kubernetes Service Account. Google Service Account <=> Kubernetes Service Account GSA <=> KSA In this video, we'll automate the entire process of creating bo...

BoltOps Tools