Lessons with tag: node

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EKS Managed Nodes Cluster with eksctl

October 9, 2021
We'll walk through creating an EKS cluster with the eksctl tool. We'll create a EKS powered by Managed Nodes. To help learn about the eksctl tool and we'll explore and review what gets created: CloudFormation Stacks VPC Network EKS Cluster EC2 ...
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EKS Managed Nodes Cluster with the AWS Console and CLI: Popular Choice Among EKS Users

November 19, 2021
We'll walk through creating an EKS cluster with the AWS Console and CLI. We'll create a EKS powered by Managed Nodes. Creating the EKS Cluster this way really helps to learn about the underlying components required to make an EKS Cluster. It help...

Terraspace: EKS Managed Nodes Cluster with the Terraform Registry Module

November 19, 2021
We'll walk through creating an EKS cluster using the very popular eks module on the Terraform registry. We'll review: VPC created by Terraform. EKS Cluster and Managed Node Groups. Links: Terraform Registry EKS Module: terraform-aws-modules/...

Terraform Registry EKS Module Code Review and Summary

November 20, 2021
We'll review and quickly figure out what the Terraform Registry EKS module creates by using grep. Useful greps grep '^resource' modules/fargate/*.tf grep '^resource' modules/node_groups/*.tf grep '^resource' *.tf grep '^module "' *.tf Links: T...
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Azure AKS Cluster with the Portal: Create Cluster and Deploy App with kubectl

December 12, 2021
We'll create an AKS Cluster with the Azure Portal. We'll show how Azure creates the Kubernetes cluster resources under a different resource group with the prefix MC_. We'll explore and explain how AKS dog-foods it and uses a Uniform Virtual Mach...

EKS: Self-Managed Nodes vs Managed Node Group vs AWS Fargate

January 6, 2022
We'll cover the different EKS Nodes and what they mean. Essentially, EKS manages Kubernetes-as-a-Service but this mainly means the Kubernetes control plane. You still need to provide compute nodes to your EKS cluster so they have the capacity to ...

Terraspace Cost Estimation: A Few Examples with $1,287/mo EC2 Example and Different EKS Clusters

July 22, 2022
We'll review the Terraspace Cost Estimation instructions and then do something fun. We'll see what some of the example modules from the Terraform Registry costs. The cost estimates 🤣 ec2: $8.39/mo complete ec2 example: $1,287/mo 😱 ecs-spot: $141...

BoltOps Tools