Lessons with tag: kubernetes

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Introducing Kubes: Kubernetes App Deploy Tool

August 23, 2020
Introduces Kubes and provide a quick demo. Kubes is a Kubernetes Deployment Tool that focuses on deploying your specific app. It automates the deployment process and saves you precious finger-typing energy. It will: builds the docker image creat...

Docker vs Kubernetes: High Level Intro

October 6, 2021
Learn about how Docker and Kubernetes are in pretty different spaces. Docker is a container platform. Kubernetes is an orchestration platform that makes use of Docker.

Kubernetes: Deployment and Service Resources

October 6, 2021
The first introduction to Kubernetes resources. We'll cover the ones that make the most sense to start with the Deployment and Service resources. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples
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EKS Managed Nodes Cluster with eksctl

October 9, 2021
We'll walk through creating an EKS cluster with the eksctl tool. We'll create a EKS powered by Managed Nodes. To help learn about the eksctl tool and we'll explore and review what gets created: CloudFormation Stacks VPC Network EKS Cluster EC2 ...
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EKS AWS Classic Load Balancer with Service LoadBalancer Type Resource

October 9, 2021
Learn how to create an external public facing load balancer with the simple Service Type LoadBalancer. This creates an AWS Classic Load Balancer. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples aws/clb

EKS AWS Load Balancers Overview

October 9, 2021
Learn about the different AWS Load Balancers and how they map to EKS Kubernetes resources like Service and Ingress Resources. Kubernetes Service resources are layer 4 load balancers. Kubernetes Ingress resources are layer 7 load balancers. AWS has...

EKS AWS Load Balancer Controller Setup

October 9, 2021
Learn how to set up the EKS AWS Load Balancer Controller plugin. It's the control loop that is needed to create Network Load Balancers with a Kubernetes Service Resource. And it's also used to create an Application Load Balancers with an Kubernete...

EKS AWS Network Load Balancer with Service Resource

October 9, 2021
Learn how to create an AWS Network Load Balancer with a Kubernetes Service Resource. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples aws/nlb

EKS AWS Application Load Balancer with Ingress Resource

October 9, 2021
Learn how to create an AWS Application Load Balancer with a Kubernetes Ingress Resource. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples aws/alb

Kubernetes: kubectl logs command

October 9, 2021
Learn useful tips about the kubectl logs command. This is how you can see your container logs. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples

Kubernetes: kubectl exec command

October 9, 2021
Learn how exec or "ssh" into a container and so you can do live debugging and make live modifications. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples

Kubernetes: Learn About More Resource Types

October 9, 2021
There's a lot more Kubernetes resources out there than just Deployment and Service. We'll cover mroe commmon ones and also show you with the kubectl api-resources command how you can list them all. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-exampl...

Kubernetes: ConfigMap Resource

October 10, 2021
Learn about the Kubernetes ConfigMap Resource. This is what you can use to store non-sensitive key-value variables and use them in your container. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples examples/config_map

Kubernetes: Secret Resource

October 11, 2021
Learn about the Kubernetes Secret Resource. This is what you can use to store sensitive key-value variables and use them in your container. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples examples/secret

Kubernetes Tools: Kustomize vs Helm vs Kubes

October 11, 2021
We'll give an overview and compare some Kubernetes Deploy tools: Kustomize, Helm and Kubes. Kustomize is a YAML purist approach. Helm is really more like a package manager. Kubes is an application-focused deployment tool.

Kubernetes kubectl explain Command: How to Find YAML Schema Fields Available

October 11, 2021
Learn how to use the kubectl explain command. It'll show you what fields are available for your Kubernetes YAML Resource files. Notes: kubectl explain kubectl api-resources Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples

Kubernetes Kustomize Intro: overlays dev and prod

October 11, 2021
We'll learn about the Kustomize tool and show you how it works. We'll cover: basic intro with no overlays common intro with overlays: dev and prod envs Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-examples examples/kustomize-intro
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Kubernetes Helm Intro: dev and prod

October 11, 2021
We'll learn about the Helm package manager tool and show you how it works. We'll cover: Deploy an app as a Helm Chart for different environments like dev and prod We'll introduce the Helm templating language: Sprig Links: GitHub: boltops-lea...
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Kubernetes: kubectl get describe config Commands

October 12, 2021
Learn useful debugging tips with the kubectl get, kubectl describe, and kubectl config commands. kubectl get commands: kubectl get all kubectl get all -o wide kubectl get all --show-labels kubectl get all --show-labels -l app=demo kubectl get all...

Kubernetes Kubes Tool Review

October 12, 2021
We'll learn about the Kubes tool and show you how it works. Kubes focuses on deploying your specific application code. We'll cover: What Kubes does. How it handles "overlays" or multiple environments. How it supports templating. It's a mixture o...

Kubes GKE Ingress HTTPS External Load Balancer with a Manually Secret Resource

October 16, 2021
Shows you how to create an Google External Load Balancer and with a pre-created Kubernetes TLS Secret. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubes-examples google/elb7-https-secret-manual

Kubes GKE Ingress HTTPS External Load Balancer with an Automatically Created Secret Resource

October 16, 2021
Shows you how to create an Google External Load Balancer and codified the Kubernetes TLS Secret Resource. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubes-examples google/elb7-https-secret-auto

kubectx and kubens vs kubectl

October 16, 2021
Introduces kubectx and kubens and how they save you time over typing kubectl. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-tips kubectx
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kube ps1 bash prompt

October 20, 2021
Shows you how to set up kubectl prompt for bash. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-tips bash-prompt.sh
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kube ps1 zsh prompt

October 20, 2021
Shows you how to set up kubectl prompt for zsh. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/kubernetes-tips zsh-prompt.sh
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BoltOps Tools