Lessons with tag: azure

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Azure Network with the Portal: Basic Intro How to Manual Create Network with Additional Subnet

December 10, 2021
We'll build an Azure Network with the Portal. It's a great way to get started with Azure. It's also a good refresher.

Azure MySQL Flexible Database with the Portal: Manually Create and Confirm By Connecting with the mysql Client

December 10, 2021
Create an Azure MySQL Flexible Database with the Portal. It's a good way to get started. It's also sometimes the preferred way to create DBs, since they are stateful.

Terraspace AKS Cluster with azurerm_kubernetes_cluster Terraform Resource

November 30, 2021
We'll build an Azure Kubernetes Cluster with AKS. We'll build the Terraspace project from scratch based on the example in the Terraform docs. Links: Azure Docs: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Terraform Docs: azurerm_kubernetes_cluster Github Re...

Terraspace Azure LB Load Balancer Connected to a Virtual Machine Scale Set

November 30, 2021
We'll build an Azure Load Balancer routing traffic to a Virtual Machine Scale Set with Terraspace and the basic Terraform resource building blocks like azurerm_lb. We'll build the project from scratch. Links: Terraform Docs: azurerm_lb Terrafor...

Terraspace Azure Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set with azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set

November 29, 2021
We'll build an Azure Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set with Terraspace and the azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set Terraform resource. We'll build the project from scratch. Links: Terraform Docs: azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set Github...

Terraspace Azure MySQL Database with azurerm_mysql_server Terraform Resource

November 29, 2021
We'll build an Azure MySQL Database with Terraspace and the azurerm_mysql_server Terraform resource. We'll build the project from scratch. Links: Terraform Docs: azurerm_mysql_server Github Repo: boltops-learn/terraspace-azure-mysql-database
free lesson

Terraspace Azure Linux Virtual Machine with the Terraform Registry Module

November 29, 2021
We'll build an Azure Linux Virtual Machine with a module from the Terraform Registry. Links: Terraform Registry Module: boltops-tools/linux-virtual-machine Github Repo: boltops-tools/terraform-azure-linux-virtual-machine
free lesson

Terraspace Azure Network with the Terraform Registry Module

November 28, 2021
We'll build an Azure Network with a module from the Terraform Registry. Links: Terraform Registry Module: boltops-tools/network Github Repo: boltops-tools/terraform-azure-network
free lesson

BoltOps Tools