Lessons with tag: aws

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AWS AutoScaling Spot Mixed Instance Types: Newer Way to Launch Instances

December 16, 2021
We'll build an AutoScaling Group with Mixed Instance Types. This allows you to use a combination of on-demand and spot instances. As a part of this, we'll define a Launch Template, since Mixed Instance Types are only supported with Launch Template...

AWS Launch Templates and a Single Instance with the Console: Useful to Avoid Manual Repetition

December 16, 2021
We'll introduce AWS Launch Templates. They can be used to launch an EC2 Instance, AutoScaling Group, or Spot Fleets. In this video, we'll create a single EC2 instance.

AWS Launch Templates Pros vs Cons and Theory vs Practice: How to Use Them in the Real World

December 15, 2021
We'll introduce AWS Launch Templates and explain what they do. More importantly, we'll talk about the Theory vs Practice of using Launch Templates. How to actually use them in practice. What Settings Can We Change at Launch Time? Launch Templa...

Terragrunt to Terraspace: The Step by Step Migration Guide

December 14, 2021
We'll take you through a full migration of a simple Terragrunt project to a Terraspace project. You'll be able to run terragrunt apply and terraspace up and see no changes. This allows you to test things out incrementally. This unique approach o...

AWS RDS MySQL Database with the Console: Review RDS Settings and Good Naming Conventions

December 14, 2021
We'll build an RDS MySQL database with the Console. We'll cover the settings that you can configure with the RDS database and what they mean. As a bonuses, we'll some guidelines on DB naming conventions also. We'll confirm the DB is working by con...

AWS EC2 Instance with the Console: Manually Creating is a Great Way to Learn How Things Work

December 14, 2021
We'll build an EC2 instance with the AWS Console. We'll cover the common settings that you can configure the EC2 instance with. We'll also cover the user data script and show you how to can customize the EC2 instance when the instance is first lau...

AWS VPC with the Console: Manually Creating a Highly Available Redundant Network

December 14, 2021
We'll build highly available VPC containing multiple AZs with the AWS console. This design follows baseline best practices and ensures that your DB can failover to different availability zone in the event of an outage.

AWS EKS vs Azure AKS vs Google GKE

December 13, 2021
We'll cover the 3 different Kubernetes offerings from AWS, Azure and Google. We'll walk through each of their consoles, website interfaces, and explore how they work and compare. Repos used to create the 3 different clusters: https://github.com...

AWS Spot Instance with the EC2 Console

December 13, 2021
We'll show you how to launch a spot EC2 instance. There are different Spot Request Types. We'll also review and explain them. Request Type Persistence instance one-time instance persistent fleet request fleet maintain
free lesson

AWS Spot Fleet with the EC2 Console

December 13, 2021
We'll create a Spot Fleet with the EC2 console. Spot fleets are very powerful. They create multiple EC2 instances and manage them. There are different Spot Request Types. We'll also review and explain them. Request Type Persistence instance...

How to Find Current AWS EC2 Spot Market Prices

December 13, 2021
We'll show you how to find current AWS EC2 Instance spot prices. There are several ways, we'll go through 6 of them! Links: Blog Post: How to Find the Current AWS EC2 Spot Market Price Amazon EC2 Spot Instances Pricing Spot Instance Advisor EC2...

Terraspace: RDS DB Instance with the Terraform Registry Module

November 23, 2021
We'll build an RDS MySQL Database with the Terraform Registry RDS module. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-rds-registry Terraform Registry Module: terraform-aws-modules/rds Terraform Docs: aws_db_instance

Terrafile Bundle Example Command

November 23, 2021
We'll cover the terraspace bundle example MOD EXAMPLE command. Links: Terraspace Docs: Terrafile Bundle Example GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-security-group-registry

Terraspace: AWS AutoScaling Group Connected to an ALB

November 23, 2021
We'll build an AWS AutoScaling Group with an Application Load Balancer connected to it. Links: GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-autoscaling-alb Terraform Registry Module: terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling Terraform Registry Module: terrafor...

Terraspace: AWS AutoScaling Group with the Terraform Registry Module

November 22, 2021
We'll build a Terraspace project and an app/stacks/autoscaling stack. The Terraform Registry Module complete example launches lots of different AutoScaling groups and instances and can cost a decent amount of money. So we'll simplify the example t...

EKS Security Groups for Pods

November 22, 2021
Shows show to use AWS Security Groups with Kubernetes Pods. Wanted to mention that there are pros and cons with Pod-level security groups: Pro: Fine-grain control over the security group for all the pods in that deployment. This allows you to ta...

EKS IAM Role for Service Account IRSA Automation with Kubes

November 22, 2021
Shows how to automate the creation of the AWS IAM Role and Kubernetes Service Account YAML with kubes. If you're getting started with IRSA, watch the EKS IAM Role for Service Account IRSA Introduction first. You can confirm that IRSA has been set...

EKS IAM Role for Service Account IRSA Introduction

November 21, 2021
Introduces IRSA, IAM Role for Service Account. This allows pods to use IAM Roles to authenticated and use AWS APIs. The advantage is then you don't have to manage and rotate the AWS Access Keys in the future. You can confirm that IRSA has been se...

EKS Kubernetes Dashboard Install and Walkthrough Tutorial

November 21, 2021
Show how to install the Kubernetes Dashboard and compares it to the EKS console dashboard. Links: AWS Docs Tutorial: Deploy the Kubernetes Dashboard (web UI)

EKS RBAC Adding Users And Granting Access to Cluster with Terraspace Infrastructure as Code

November 21, 2021
Shows how to add additional IAM users with Terraspace and Terraform. We'll codify the IAM users who can access the cluster. Links: AWS Docs: Managing users or IAM roles for your cluster Terraform Registry Module: terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws G...

EKS RBAC Adding Users And Granting Access to Cluster

November 21, 2021
Show how to add additional IAM users so they can also user the EKS cluster. Links: AWS Docs: Managing users or IAM roles for your cluster

EKS RBAC: An Approach and Strategy with Examples

November 21, 2021
Shows an RBAC management approach and strategy. We cover ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, Role, and RoleBinding. The setup looks like this: Users User Description test-admin Full access to all resources. test-read-all Read access to all...

Terraspace: EKS Spot Cluster with the Terraform Registry

November 20, 2021
We'll create an EKS Spot cluster. This is very useful to testing and savings 50% to 90% vs on-demand. Links: Terraform Registry EKS Module: terraform-aws-modules/eks/aws GitHub: boltops-learn/terraspace-aws-eks

Terraform Registry EKS Module Code Review and Summary

November 20, 2021
We'll review and quickly figure out what the Terraform Registry EKS module creates by using grep. Useful greps grep '^resource' modules/fargate/*.tf grep '^resource' modules/node_groups/*.tf grep '^resource' *.tf grep '^module "' *.tf Links: T...
free lesson

Terraspace: EKS AWS Fargate Cluster with the Terraform Registry

November 20, 2021
We'll walk through creating an EKS cluster with Terraspace using the very popular eks module from the Terraform registry. We'll review: VPC created by Terraform. EKS Cluster and Fargate Profiles. Notes: Here's a cheatsheet of useful commands....

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