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Terraform HCL for in Loop Basics

July 15, 2021
In this video, we'll cover the Terraform for in loop construct. Though it performs looping, its primary purpose is really for manipulating data structures. You can do a few things to data structures with it: Transform: Change the data structure....

Terraform HCL Loops With Dynamic Block

July 13, 2021
We'll learn how to assign multiple attributes per iteration. As a part of this, we'll cover another Terraform looping construct, the dynamic nested block. The dynamic nested block provides a way to build repeated nested configuration blocks. This ...

Terraform HCL Basic Components: Resources, Variables, Outputs

July 12, 2021
In this lesson, we'll cover the typical Terraform project structure, and provide a gentle introduction to Terraform resources, variables, and outputs. As a part of this, we'll also go through the starter commands: terraform init, apply, and destro...

Terraform HCL Loops With count and for_each

July 9, 2021
In this video, we'll cover Terraform looping constructs. Terraform is declarative, so it's looping structure may seem weird to those used to procedural programming loops. There are a few ways to performing looping with Terraform. We'll cover the l...
free lesson

Terraform HCL: Conditional Logic

July 9, 2021
We'll cover how to perform conditional logic with Terraform. It'll be a little weird looking for those who are not used to the Terraform declarative syntax. There are only a few ways to do conditional logic with Terraform. Links: Blog Post: Ter...
free lesson

Terraform HCL: The Function Analogy

July 9, 2021
We'll review the basic Terraform building blocks from the previous lesson that covers: Resources, Variables, Outputs, and compare them to a “function”. This is a contrived analogy, but folks find it helpful. You'll also learn about Terraform local...
free lesson

The House of Success

July 9, 2021
Cracking the code of successful Terraform usage is about establishing solid fundamentals. In this video, we'll talk about the typical hit-and-miss approach of random research, blogs, and trail and error that most suffer through. Eventually, you do...

Terraspace Quick Start

November 28, 2020
In this Terraspace Quick Start video, we'll show you how to get started with Terraspace quickly. We'll cover: modules and stacks custom hooks custom args multiple environments like dev and prod multiple regions like us-west-1 and us-west-2

Introducing Kubes: Kubernetes App Deploy Tool

August 23, 2020
Introduces Kubes and provide a quick demo. Kubes is a Kubernetes Deployment Tool that focuses on deploying your specific app. It automates the deployment process and saves you precious finger-typing energy. It will: builds the docker image creat...

3 SSH tips: Ssh-agent, Tunnel, and Escaping from the Dead

September 22, 2017
Covers 3 ssh tips that I’ve learned over the years. Links: Blog Post: 3 SSH tips: Ssh-agent, Tunnel, and Escaping from the Dead Slides: Google Slides

CloudFormation Template and jq Tips Summarize Resources

September 17, 2017
AWS CloudFormation Templates and jq Tips. In this video, I'll show you how to use jq to quickly summarize what resources are defined in a CloudFormation template. I found this to be useful to help understand how a CloudFormation template works. ...

BoltOps Tools