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Terraspace Azure Linux Virtual Machine with the Terraform Registry Module

November 29, 2021
We'll build an Azure Linux Virtual Machine with a module from the Terraform Registry. Links: Terraform Registry Module: boltops-tools/linux-virtual-machine Github Repo: boltops-tools/terraform-azure-linux-virtual-machine
free lesson

Terraspace Azure MySQL Database with azurerm_mysql_server Terraform Resource

November 29, 2021
We'll build an Azure MySQL Database with Terraspace and the azurerm_mysql_server Terraform resource. We'll build the project from scratch. Links: Terraform Docs: azurerm_mysql_server Github Repo: boltops-learn/terraspace-azure-mysql-database
free lesson

Terraspace Azure Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set with azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set

November 29, 2021
We'll build an Azure Linux Virtual Machine Scale Set with Terraspace and the azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set Terraform resource. We'll build the project from scratch. Links: Terraform Docs: azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set Github...

Terraspace Azure LB Load Balancer Connected to a Virtual Machine Scale Set

November 30, 2021
We'll build an Azure Load Balancer routing traffic to a Virtual Machine Scale Set with Terraspace and the basic Terraform resource building blocks like azurerm_lb. We'll build the project from scratch. Links: Terraform Docs: azurerm_lb Terrafor...

Terraspace AKS Cluster with azurerm_kubernetes_cluster Terraform Resource

November 30, 2021
We'll build an Azure Kubernetes Cluster with AKS. We'll build the Terraspace project from scratch based on the example in the Terraform docs. Links: Azure Docs: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Terraform Docs: azurerm_kubernetes_cluster Github Re...

Terraspace Docker Installation

December 6, 2021
In this "Getting Started with Terraspace and Docker" video, we'll show you to use Terraspace within a Docker container. This provides you an isolated environment to try out Terraspace. Links: Terraspace Docs: Docker Install

Azure MySQL Flexible Database with the Portal: Manually Create and Confirm By Connecting with the mysql Client

December 10, 2021
Create an Azure MySQL Flexible Database with the Portal. It's a good way to get started. It's also sometimes the preferred way to create DBs, since they are stateful.

Azure Network with the Portal: Basic Intro How to Manual Create Network with Additional Subnet

December 10, 2021
We'll build an Azure Network with the Portal. It's a great way to get started with Azure. It's also a good refresher.

Azure Linux Virtual Machine with the Portal: Form Options, UserData Script, and SSH Into VM to Confirm

December 10, 2021
Build an Azure Linux Virtual Machine with the Portal. It's a good way to get to know Azure. Useful paths: /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt /var/log/cloud-init-output.log

Azure Uniform Scale Sets with the Portal: Create and SSH Into VM And Confirm UserData Startup Script Runs

December 11, 2021
We'll build an Azure Uniform Scale Set with the Azure Portal. We'll cover and surface some useful info from the portal. Useful paths: /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt /var/log/cloud-init-output.log

Azure Flexible Scale Sets with the Portal: Create and SSH Into VM And Confirm UserData Startup Script Runs

December 11, 2021
We'll build an Azure Flexible Scale Set with the Azure Portal. We'll cover and surface some of the useful settings in the portal interface when you're getting started.

Azure Scale Sets and Load Balancer with the Portal: Apache Web Server UserData Script Example

December 11, 2021
We'll build an Azure Flexible Virtual Machine Scale Sets with Load Balancer. We'll walk through useful debugging steps. This helps you in case things go wrong. The custom data script we'll use: #!/bin/bash whoami apt install apache -y

Azure AKS Cluster with the Portal: Create Cluster and Deploy App with kubectl

December 12, 2021
We'll create an AKS Cluster with the Azure Portal. We'll show how Azure creates the Kubernetes cluster resources under a different resource group with the prefix MC_. We'll explore and explain how AKS dog-foods it and uses a Uniform Virtual Mach...

Azure Windows Virtual Machine with the Portal: Form Options, RDP Into Box, and Delete VM

December 12, 2021
We'll build a Windows Virtual Machine with the Azure portal. We'll also connect to it, but downloading the RDF and using a Remote Desktop client.

Azure SQL Server with the Portal: Create and Use the Browser Query Editor To Connect and Test

December 12, 2021
We'll build a Microsoft SQL Server with the Azure Portal. We'll connect it via the Query Preview in the browser. Importantly, we'll explain the difference in the portal interfaces you'll use to see: databases database servers

Azure az config Set Default Resource Group

December 12, 2021
Covers a nice tip that sets the resource group default for all the az commands. This saves precious finger-typing energy :) Commands: az group list -o table az config set az network vnet list -o table az config set

How to Find Current AWS EC2 Spot Market Prices

December 13, 2021
We'll show you how to find current AWS EC2 Instance spot prices. There are several ways, we'll go through 6 of them! Links: Blog Post: How to Find the Current AWS EC2 Spot Market Price Amazon EC2 Spot Instances Pricing Spot Instance Advisor EC2...

AWS Spot Fleet with the EC2 Console

December 13, 2021
We'll create a Spot Fleet with the EC2 console. Spot fleets are very powerful. They create multiple EC2 instances and manage them. There are different Spot Request Types. We'll also review and explain them. Request Type Persistence instance...

AWS Spot Instance with the EC2 Console

December 13, 2021
We'll show you how to launch a spot EC2 instance. There are different Spot Request Types. We'll also review and explain them. Request Type Persistence instance one-time instance persistent fleet request fleet maintain
free lesson

Google Preemptive VM or Spot Instance with the VM Console

December 13, 2021
We'll create a Google Preemptive VM, IE: Spot Instance. We’ll use the Google Console and review the price difference. You'll show you how much you can save.

Azure Spot VM with the Portal

December 13, 2021
We'll create an Azure Spot Virtual Machine wth the Portal. Azure's Spot offering is different in that you'll need larger instance sizes for spot. We'll show you in the demo.

AWS EKS vs Azure AKS vs Google GKE

December 13, 2021
We'll cover the 3 different Kubernetes offerings from AWS, Azure and Google. We'll walk through each of their consoles, website interfaces, and explore how they work and compare. Repos used to create the 3 different clusters:

AWS VPC with the Console: Manually Creating a Highly Available Redundant Network

December 14, 2021
We'll build highly available VPC containing multiple AZs with the AWS console. This design follows baseline best practices and ensures that your DB can failover to different availability zone in the event of an outage.

AWS EC2 Instance with the Console: Manually Creating is a Great Way to Learn How Things Work

December 14, 2021
We'll build an EC2 instance with the AWS Console. We'll cover the common settings that you can configure the EC2 instance with. We'll also cover the user data script and show you how to can customize the EC2 instance when the instance is first lau...

AWS RDS MySQL Database with the Console: Review RDS Settings and Good Naming Conventions

December 14, 2021
We'll build an RDS MySQL database with the Console. We'll cover the settings that you can configure with the RDS database and what they mean. As a bonuses, we'll some guidelines on DB naming conventions also. We'll confirm the DB is working by con...

BoltOps Tools