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How AWS Lambda Scaling Works: jets concurrency

May 26, 2024
We'll explain how AWS Lambda scaling works. Lambda calls it reserved and provisioned concurrency. Learn about their differences. And learn these jets commands that make it easy to test different concurrency settings jets concurrency:info jets conc...

Serverless Rails on AWS Lambda with Jets

May 26, 2024
We'll go through the Jets Learn Guide with Rails. It makes running Rails on AWS Lambda easy.

CloudFront CDN for Lambda Function URL

May 27, 2024
We'll show you how easy it is to set up a CloudFront CDN in front of the Lambda Function URL. It's just a few lines of configuration. config/jets/deploy.rb Jets.deploy.configure do config.lambda.url.cloudfront.enable = true

CloudFront CDN for Assets

May 27, 2024
We'll show you how easy it is to deploy a CloudFront distribution for to serve your assets. It's just a few lines of configuration. config/jets/deploy.rb Jets.deploy.configure do config.assets.cloudfront.enable = true config.assets.cloudfront...

Jets Env CLI Command

May 27, 2024
We'll show you how the handle jets env command. Cheatsheet ❯ jets env Commands: jets env:get NAME # Get env vars for function jets env:list # List and show env vars jets env:set VALUES # Set env vars for function jets env:...

Jets Dotenv CLI Command

May 27, 2024
We'll show you how the handle jets dotenv command. Cheatsheet ❯ jets dotenv Commands: jets dotenv:get NAME # Get env var from local files and SSM jets dotenv:list # Parse and list dotenv vars jets dotenv:set VALUES # Set SSM...

Jets Maintenance Mode

May 28, 2024
We'll show how to turn on and off a maintenance for a Jets deployed app. ❯ jets maintenance Commands: jets maintenance:off # Turn off maintenance mode jets maintenance:on # Turn on maintenance mode jets maintenance:status # Show ...

Rails API on AWS Lambda with Jets

June 1, 2024
We'll create a Rails API app from scratch and deploy it to Serverless AWS Lambda with Jets.

Rails ActiveJob on AWS Lambda and SQS Queue with Jets

June 1, 2024
We'll demo how Jets Jobs work. They are just Rails Jobs with a jets_job queue adapter. Except, all the resources to handle processing are serverless resources: SQS Queue and Lambda Functions. This removes the need for a daemon listening process an...

Rails Jobs Multiple SQS Queues and AWS Lambda with Jets

June 2, 2024
We'll show you how to create multiple SQS Queues and dedicated Lambda functions with Jets in this video. It's just one line of configuration. config/jets/deploy.rb Jets.deploy.configure do config.job.enable = true config.job.additional_queues...

Rails Serverless Sidekiq Scheduler with CloudWatch Scheduled Event Rules and Jets

June 2, 2024
We'll show how Jets can take your existing config/sidekiq.yml scheduler config and deploy it. Jets creates CloudWatch Scheduled Event Rules and Lambda Functions so you don't need to run a server to manage the traditional clock process. It's "serve...

BoltOps Tools